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Posted on srp 17, 2012

Vanka Regule Film Festival 2012

Vanka Regule Film Festival 2012


Raspored/Schedule      15-20.7.2012.


21.15         THE ART OF FLIGHT            

Režiser/Director: Curt Morgan                                   Trajanje/Duration: 60′

Red nevjerojatne akcije, red lude pustolovine i drame sa svih strana svijeta. «The Art of flight» je s razlogom sniman dvije godine. Karizmatični Travis Rice i njegova snowboard družina pomaiču granice mogućeg. Film prikazuje najnovije trikove i neotkrivena prostranstva, ali i drugu stranu snowboard života: lavine, nezgode i krive procjene. Gledatelji su uvučeni u ponekad uspješnu, a često uzaludnu potragu za novim terenima po neistraženim planinama diljem svijeta. Nikad ranije viđeni produkcijski standardi uključeni! Equal parts action and adventure mix with the inevitable drama encountered along the way. Two years in the making, “The Art of FLIGHT” gives iconic snowboarder Travis Rice and friends the opportunity to redefine what is possible in the mountains. Experience the highs, as new tricks are landed and new zones opened, alongside the lows, where avalanches, accidents and wrong-turns strike. For the first time, viewers are immersed in the sometimes successful, often trying quest to open up new, unexplored mountains in remote corners of the world. Never before seen production level included!


21.15         ARCTIC AMBITIONS            

Režiser/Director: Josh Knox                                        Trajanje/Duration: 45′


Austrijski penjač Bernd Zangerl traži novi izazov. U društvu prijatelja otputovao je u Norvešku u potrazi za jedinstvenom lokacijom za bouldering. To je penjanje kratkih i niskih, ali iznimno teških smjerova, koji se penju bez osiguranja. Na svom penjačkom krstarenju dalekim sjeverom, penjači će upoznati Norvešku i njene ljude, ispenjati neobične stijene u pitoresknim fjordovima i istražiti uzbudljive penjačke lokacije na dalekim otocima. Climbing pro Bernd Zangerl is looking for a new challenge. In the company of friends the Austrian travels to Norway to find unsual sites for Bouldering – short bursts of free climbing without ropes near the ground. Bouldering has a high fun factor, and Boulderers are just as highly motivated to discover new, cool boulder walls. As they walk and sail northward, they get to know the country and its people, conquer bizarre rocks in picturesque fjords, and explore thrilling climbing spots on remote islands.


22.00         TRIBUTE TO «VANKA REGULE 2011.»                

Režiser/Director: Siniša Hajduk/Zdravko Šarčević       Trajanje/Duration: 40′


13. izdanje Sony Ericsson Vanka regule festivala nije se razlikovalo od svih prethodnih: bilo je potpuno drugačije od drugih. Ono što je uvijek isto u tjedan festivalskih dana u Sutivanu jesu sjajna atmosfera, zanimljiva natjecanja, vesela druženja i puno znoja, prašine i adrenalina.Praznovjerni su potvrdu nesretne znamenke 13 pronašli u velikom požaru koji je tih dana harao Bračem, koji je srećom ugašen prije nego li je ugrozio kuće i živote.

Ekipa jedinog hrvatskog specijaliziranog televizijskog magazina koji prati pustolovne sportove, «Akcijske centrale» bila je u Sutivanu.

13th edition of Sony Ericsson Vanka regule festival did not differ from all the previous ones: it was completely different.  Some things although always remain the same in Sutivan – great atmosphere, interesting contests, lots of sweat, dust,  adrenaline and celebrations.As one might expect, number “13” was indeed unfortunate as 13th edition of the festival was defined by forest fires that raged on Brač last year. The fire was fortunately extinguished before it endagered houses or lives. The only croatian television magazine specialized in outdoor/adventure sports, “Action headquarters” was in Sutivan.



21.15         FRONTIER              

Režiser/Director: Rush Sturge                                    Trajanje/Duration: 70′


Frontier nas vodi korak bliže svijetu kajakarenja na divljim vodama. Možda korak bliže nego li bismo htjeli. Film prati grupu kajakaš u njihovoj pustolovini oko svijeta sa snimkama iz Meksika, Kine, Islanda, Norveške, sjeverozapada SAD-a, Britanske Kolumbije i Quebeca. Što rade, kako i gdje to čine je neopisivo. Da biste vjerovali, morate vidjeti. Ako se usudite. Frontierbrings you one step closer (maybe one step to close) to the white water kayaking. It follows a group of kayakers on their adventure around the globe, featuring footage from Mexico, China, Iceland, Norway, Northwest U.S.A., British Columbia and Quebec.What they do, how and where they do it is simply undiscribable. To believe it you must see it. We dare you.



21.15         UNBREAKABLE: THE WESTERN STATE 100    

Režiser/Director: Rush Sturge                                    Trajanje/Duration: 70′


2010. su se na startu Western States utrke na 100 milja našla četvorica najboljih, neporaženih planinskih trkača s jednim ciljem: pobijediti na najstarijoj i najprestižnijoj svjetskoj utrci na 100 milja. Hal Koerner, dvostruki pobjednik utrke, Geoff Roes, neporažen na distanci od 100 milja, Anton Krupicka, pobjednik svakog ultramaratona na kome je startao i Kilian Jornet, mladi planinski trkač iz Španjolske, dvostruki pobjednik utrke oko Mont Blanca. Za pobjedu će trebati srušiti rekord staze i istrčati najbolje vrijeme u povijesti utrke. Do kraja će se trojica od njih prvi puta iskusiti poraz. Samo jedan će ostati Nesalomljiv. In 2010, four of the greatest undefeated mountain runners on earth toed the starting line at the Western States 100-mile endurance run, the oldest and most prestigious 100-mile foot race in the world. Hal Koerner, two time defending Western States champion, Geoff Roes, undefeated at the 100-mile distance, Anton Krupicka, undefeated in every ultramarathon he has ever started and Kilian Jornet, the young mountain runner and two time Ultra-trail du Mont-Blanc champion, from Spain. A win will require breaking the course record and running the fastest time in the history of the race. Though all four are undefeated, three must break and only one can remain Unbreakable.



21.15         ottoMTBottom

Režiser/Director: Ottom bottom                                Trajanje/Duration: 15-ak’


Riječka ekipa snowboardera i outdoor filmskih entuzijasta neprekinuta su tradicija Vanka regule film festivala. Svojim filmskim uratcima daju neku novu (bolju) dimenziju trashu, sportu, sebi te onima koji ih gledaju (čitaj: nama). Ove godine direktno iz vruće ottombottomske montaže stiže prvi MTB uradak i prvo njihovo djelo u kojem će nastupiti i jedan znalac/profesionalac: Mislav Mironović. Što reći nego: pa, pogledajmo! Snowboard loving film enthusiasts from Rijeka are one of long lasting Vanka Regule traditions. Trash film becomes that much better with each new signature piece and the sport itself gets new dimension in the eyes of the viewers and followers (read «us»). This year we will be watching their first MTB film, suprisingly starring one true professional – Mislav Mironović. What to say but – Lets watch!


21.35         Climbing elements

Režiser/Director: Christoph Strobl                                                       Trajanje/Duration: 52′


Iznimno nadareni, svestrani penjač, Kilian Fischhuber si je postavio tri izazova: savladati još neispenjane smjerove u kamenoj pustinji Južnoafričke republike, iznad planinskog potoka u austrijskom Zillertalu i u tirolskim vrhuncima Wilder Kaisera. Svaki smjer zahtjeva različitu penjačku vještinu: od boulderinga preko sportskog penjanja do klasičnog alpinizma. Kilian Fischhuber, an exceptional talent in the climbing scene, has set himself three great challenges: to climb as yet unconquered rock faces in the stony wastes of the South African Rocklands, over a thundering mountain stream in the Zillertal in Austria and high up in the Wilder Kaiser mountains of the Tyrol. These places each demand a different climbing skill – bouldering, sport climbing or traditional alpine climbing.


21.15         Sfinga

Režiser/Director: Vojko Anzeljc, Gregor Kresal                      Trajanje/Duration: 70′


Sfinga na šarmantan i originalan način uspoređuje prvi uspon i prvi prvenstveni uspon na Lice Sfinge, kultni smjer u sjevernoj stijeni Triglava. Prekrasno snimljen film kao scenografiju ima zadivljujuće pejzaže planine koja je nacionalni simbol Slovenaca prati priču četvorice penjača i dva povijesna uspona koja su se dogodila u razmaku od tri desetljeća. The film in a charming and original way compares the first ascent to the first free-climb ascent of the Face of Sphinx, located in the most prominent part of the North Face Triglav. The aesthetic and breathtaking footage present beautiful and powerful environment of the Slovenian national symbol, with the mystical Sphinx at the forefront and all four protagonists of the two crucial ascents, which are separated by a period of three decades.


21.35         I believe I can fly

Režiser/Director: Sebastien Montaz-Rosset                              Trajanje/Duration: 40′


Dokumentarni film o nevjerojatnom svijetu slobodnog letenja. Tancrede Melet i Julien Millot su pioniri sporta koji nazivaju «highlining» – vrtoglave kombinacije penjanja, slacklinea i hodanja po užetu. Koristeći svoju vještinu i iskustvo penjanja ovaj dvojac pomiče granice onoga što se smatra mogućim. Preporuka: ne gledati ako se bojite visine! Documentary about the incredible world of free flight. Tancrède Melet and Julien Millot are pioneers of a sport they call ‘highlining’ – a vertiginous combination of climbing, slackline and tightrope walking. Using their skills and experience as climbers, the pair pushes the boundaries of what is normally considered possible.

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